About Local 14
LOCAL 14 is a not-for-profit group whose mission is to support Northwest women and men in the arts and provide scholarships to deserving art students.
Our History
Our History In the spring of 1967 artist Janet Almy decided to sell some of her paintings to earn money to repair her broken player piano. She invited a few friends to join her, setting up a makeshift gallery in her Lake Oswego home. The art sold out and the group decided to hold an annual show. The 14 artists called themselves Lake Oswego Crafts and Art League and LOCAL 14 was born.
Because few women artists were featured in gallery shows at the time, LOCAL 14 dedicated itself to creating a gallery quality showplace for women’s art. Over time the show grew to include as many as 45 members as well as equal numbers of guest artists. In 1974, LOCAL 14 awarded its first art scholarship and to this day continues to award scholarships to outstanding local student artists with money raised from your donations at the door of the show.
In 2016 LOCAL 14 opened our show to artists of all genders.